๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ Hello there, Iโ€™m Ajay!

About Me

I am a final year B.Tech. CSE student at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal with a specialisation in Computational Intelligence.

I am fortunate to be conducting my Bachelorโ€™s thesis at the School of Medical Science and Technology Lab (SMST) at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur under the guidance of Prof. Subhamoy Mandal. Here, I have been working in the area of semantic image segmentation.

Simultaneously, I am also grateful to be working as a Research Assistant under the mentorship of Prof. Sanjay Singh in the domain of Responsible-AI.

My research interests lie in the area of Deep Learning, specifically Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. I have also been experimenting with Vision Language Models and working on personal projects in this area.

I am also in search for open-source projects where I can start my open-source contribution journey. If you have interesting ideas brewing in your mind, please ping me. I would love to collaborate and work on those projects together.

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